- start a new session:
- detach the current session:
Ctrl + b d
- list all sessions:
tmux ls
- attach previous session:
tmux a
ortmux attach
- attach to a session:
tmux attach -t <session-name>
- change session:
Ctrl + b s
- rename session
Ctrl + b :
rename-session <new-name>
- create a new window:
Ctrl + b c
- switch to the next window:
Ctrl + b n
- switch to the previous window:
Ctrl + b p
- switch to the window by index:
Ctrl + b 0-9
- rename windows
Ctrl + b :
rename-window <new-name>
- split the current pane horizontally:
Ctrl + b %
- split the current pane vertically:
Ctrl + b "
- navigating panes:
Ctrl + b <arrow-key>
- close the current pane:
Ctrl + b d